September Updates and Schedule

1. September 19. 2013 -Convocation

2.                   20 - Grade 6 Educational Field Trip.

3.                   21 - Distribution of Report Cards.

4.                   22 - Augustinian Family Mass.




September 13 Friday Diary Updates.

1. Celebrate Mass with your Family on Sunday.
2. Please Submit Requirements on time.
3. Subject Reminders,
 Sci- Do cover page w/ border theme:Sci and Technology, innovation, The road to a smarter Philippines.
 Math- Do cover page 
4. Schedule for next week ( other side of this page)
5. Wear C. S. A rubber shoes on Monday.
6. Field trip Parental Approval given. Pass slip on Monday.
7. Field trip guidelines given. Students (Be guided).
8. Health and Hair inspection on Monday.
9.Eng- Do Journal # 1 due on Monday.



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